Monday, April 10, 2017

White Belt Six Sigma Workshop, March’17

INLEAD recently hosted a White Belt Six Sigma Workshop for its students, which was conducted by Mr. Mukesh Nauhar, Black Belt Champion from Indian Statistical Institute at INLEAD’s Gurugram campus. Six Sigma certification entails learning the appropriate subject matter, passing a written proficiency test and displaying competency in a hands-on environment. These certifications helps one become a specialist in process improvement and enhances their career’s standard and credibility. But apart from benefits held in common with many other certifications, there are unique advantages that make Six Sigma certifications wonderfully useful.

Mr. Nauhar is a Certified Master Black Belt from Indian Statistical Institute and has been training INLEAD students since years. He believes that Six Sigma certification is a confirmation of an individual’s capabilities with respect to specific competencies. Just like any other quality certification, however, it does not indicate that an individual is capable of unlimited process improvement – just that they have completed the necessary requirements from the company granting the certification. Not only did Mr. Nauhar delve deeply into the inception and the theory behind Six Sigma, but he also shared his journey to becoming a Black Belt champion.

The session at INLEAD commenced with Mr. Nauhar delving deeply into the inception & the theory behind Six Sigma. He shared not just many examples about companies that have been successfully using this tool like Siemens and HoneyWell but also his journey to becoming a Black Belt champion.

He took students through the journey of 6 sigma across decades and how its evolved as one of the most sought after quality tools across organizations. There was a time when it was used primarily in manufacturing companies but overtime has become a critical part of many service companies as well.

Throughout the entire day session, students sat through lectures and videos of 6 sigma’s utility. They then answered questions on what they had learned and also attempted the questions which would, if correctly answered, make them White Belt certified.

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